Check your understanding of postcard, tour, day-trip, border, scenery, connection, landmark, excursion and jet lag.
belief, secrecy, brotherhood, doctrine, self-esteem, manipulate, God squad
Check your understanding of fancy someone, love at first sight, chat someone up, ask someone out, go out with, man or woman of your dreams, head over heels in love and engaged.
How well do you know your past tenses?
Carefully write the correct form of the verb, shown in brackets, in the gap.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
How much do you really know about the things people just can’t stop doing?
Take this quiz to test your knowledge.
Do you sometimes get too emotional?
Choose the correct emotion for each situation.
How do you feel about being active?
Choose the correct feeling for each situation.
Do you know the difference between a presenter and a news reader?
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
Check your understanding of belief, secrecy, brotherhood, doctrine, self-esteem, manipulate and God squad.