Chocolate · video lesson

This chocolate vocabulary lesson will help you understand the words chocolate bar, sweet, dark chocolate, plain chocolate, chew, suck, wrapper, cocoa and confectionery correctly.

(a) chocolate bar  noun  a block of chocolate wrapped and sold

  • I was so hungry that I could have eaten the whole bar – so I did.


(a) sweet  noun  a small piece of food made with sugar

  • I bought this bag of sweets yesterday.


(–) dark chocolate  uncountable noun  dark, bitter, chocolate without added milk

  • Dark chocolate is a taste of luxury.


(–) plain chocolate  uncountable noun  another name for dark chocolate

  • I love eating plain chocolate with a glass of Guinness.


chew  verb  to bite something continuously

  • You should chew your food before trying to swallow it.


suck  verb  to put something in your mouth and move your tongue against it to taste its flavour

  • She was sucking very noisily trying to annoy me – it was working.


(a) wrapper  noun  a piece of paper or plastic that is wrapped around something that you buy

  • Don’t throw that wrapper on the floor – put it in the bin.


(–) cocoa  noun  a dark brown powder used to make chocolate and add a chocolate flavour to food and drink

  • The recipe says I should use 100g of cocoa.


(–) confectionery  uncountable noun  the collective noun for sweets and chocolates

  • I was in the confectionery shop for nearly an hour choosing her present.


Now watch the video lesson and then do the Chocolate · exercise