This anger vocabulary lesson will help you use the words furious, rage, temper, frustration, outrage, gripe, annoyance, boiling point, tantrum, resentment, bugbear and irritation, correctly.
furious adjective very angry
- Of course I am furious. He said 20 seconds, not 15!
(a) rage noun strong violent anger
- He called me an idiot, so I went into a rage!
(–) temper uncountable noun someone who has a temper becomes angry very quickly
- Don’t speak to me like that or I will lose my temper.
(a) frustration noun the negative feeling you get when you are stopped from doing what you want
- My frustration is growing – I just want to leave.
(an) outrage noun a strong feeling of anger at something you feel is wrong
- This is an outrage. How could you say that he’s innocent!?
(a) gripe noun a complaint about something that is annoying but not very important
- I have a gripe – there is no coffee machine?
(an) annoyance noun a slightly angry feeling
- You are an annoyance – please sit down.
(–) boiling point uncountable noun the moment when a situation becomes more serious because people start to feel very angry
- Everybody looked at him. It was clear the boiling point had been reached.
(a) tantrum noun a sudden and uncontrolled explosion of anger, especially in a young child
- If I go into a tantrum I might use this.
(–) resentment uncountable noun an angry unhappy feeling that you have when you think you have been treated badly
- They weren’t speaking to each other – resentment had filled the room.
(a) bugbear noun something that keeps annoying you
- Henry’s biggest bugbear were the two men sitting on his left.
(an) irritation noun something that makes you feel slightly angry, especially for a long period of time
- His silent stare was only a small irritation for his colleagues.
Now watch the video lesson and then do the anger vocabulary exercise