Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Questions/Word order in questions
Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Questions/Word order in questions

Word order in questions

Questions do not follow subject-verb-object order.

In questions with one verb, the verb is before the subject.

  • Is he your friend?
    (verb/is – subject/he)
  • Have you any eggs?

In questions with two verbs, the subject is between the verbs. The auxiliary verb always goes first.

  • Can you help me?
    (auxiliary verb/can – subject/you – verb/help)
  • Is she coming with us?

In questions which start with a question word use the same word order.

  • Where are they?
    (question word/where – verb/are – subject/they)
  • What is your name?
  • Where has she been all this time?
    (question word/where – auxiliary verb/has – subject/she – main verb/been)
  • What will we do tomorrow?