Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Numbers/None is not singular. Zero Is plural
Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Numbers/None is not singular. Zero Is plural

None is not singular. Zero Is plural

None is not the short form of no one. None has been followed by both singular and plural verbs for more than 1000 years. All the following examples are correct:

  • None of the apples has been eaten.
    (singular verb/has)
    None of the apples have been eaten.
    (plural verb/have)
  • None of my children has blonde hair.
    None of my children have blonde hair.

If almost is used as a modifier then none should be treated as a plural and followed by a plural verb.

  • Almost none of the apples has been eaten.
    (singular verb/has)
    Almost none of the apples have been eaten.
    (plural verb/have)
  • Almost none of my children has blonde hair.
    Almost none of my children have blonde hair.

The amount zero is plural.

  • 0 cats
    (zero cats)
    1 cat
    2 cats