
Greetings from Around the World

Read the text carefully. Then choose three different methods of greeting: one which you have experienced, one you would feel uncomfortable with, one you would like to try. Take a tour around the globe and see how different people greet each other...

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The History of Greetings Cards

Listen to the audio file and read the text at the same time. Then make bullet point notes on the whiteboard of the main events in the history of greetings cards. People in the UK send more cards per person than any other country.   Over two...

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What Sending a Greeting Card Says About You

Read the text carefully. Then make bullet point notes on the whiteboard of the main points of this article. What exactly is it about the tradition of sending greeting cards that brings a smile to our faces? When we see a greeting card with a...

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Sally Sees Herself as She Really Is

Read the text carefully. Then answer these questions: How does Sally change her mind about how she sees herself? What does she think of The Little Book of Calm? I was under the impression that I was quite a relaxed person until I watched the video...

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First Memory

Listen to the audio file and read the text at the same time. Then answer this question: What was Roald Dahl’s greatest wish?   Between the age of seven and nine, only two remain clearly in my mind. The first lasted not more than five seconds...

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Newspapers vs. The Internet

Listen to the audio file and read the text at the same time. Then do this: Make bullet point notes on the whiteboard that describe the relationship we have with newspapers and news on the internet.   Once, it was difficult to imagine a morning...

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Women Like Cheesy Chat-up Lines

Read the text carefully. Then copy and paste any evidence from the text onto the whiteboard that shows chat-up lines really work. Don’t read the list at the bottom of the page yet. A man who uses a cheesy chat-up line has a sense of humour...

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Selective Memory

Read the text carefully. Then answer this question: Were the writer’s memories mainly happy or unhappy? Long, warm evenings spent messing around the village harbour. Watching the fishermen going about their business. I remember a general sense of...

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I Will Quit. Soon

Read the text carefully. Then find: The writer’s reasons for wanting to give up smoking. What he considers to be the advantages of smoking. What method he has tried to give up smoking. Three packets of cigarettes were lying there on the pavement. I...

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