This obsession vocabulary lesson will help you understand the words crush, adore, passionate, obsession, self-obsessed, fixation, infatuation, intoxication and besotted correctly.
adore verb to love and respect someone very much
- I adore my human.
(a) crush noun a strong but temporary feeling of liking someone, especially someone who you can’t have a relationship with
- He had had a crush on her since they were at school.
passionate adjective having very strong feelings or emotions
- He was about to give her the most passionate kiss he had ever given to a woman.
(an) obsession noun something or someone that you think about all the time
- He was her obsession. No one else existed.
self-obsessed adjective only interested in yourself
- Social media has made more people self-obsessed.
(a) fixation noun an unnaturally strong interest in something or someone
- Blood is a fixation for her.
(an) infatuation noun a short lasting but strong feeling of love for someone, especially someone you do not know very well
- Was it love, or an infatuation?
intoxicating adjective something that gives you a strong feeling of excitement or happiness
- Her perfume was intoxicating.
besotted adjective completely in love with someone and always thinking of them
- The day they first met they became besotted with each other.
Now watch the video lesson and then do the Obsession · exercise