Present Continuous Tense

The present continuous tense is used to describe an action that is happening now. It doesn’t talk about when the activity started.

  • We are walking to the centre of the city.
    (happening now/walking)
  • The gardener is cutting the grass.
    (happening now/cutting the grass)

The present continuous is also be used to describe a planned activity that is going to happen in the future.

  • Our train is arriving in five minutes.
    (planned activity/train arriving – future/in five minutes)
  • I am going to Croatia next year.
    (planned activity/going to Croatia – future/next year)

The present continuous tense is formed subject + am/is/are + present participle.

  • I am cleaning my car.
    (subject/I + am + present participle/cleaning)
  • We are thinking about our holiday.
    (subject/We + are + present participle/thinking)
  • They are visiting Sweden next summer.
    (subject/They + are + present participle/visiting + future/next summer)

The negative is formed subject + am/is/are + not + present participle.

  • I am not cleaning my car.
    (subject/I + not + present participle/cleaning)
  • We are not thinking about our holiday.
    (subject/We + are + not + present participle/thinking)
  • They are not visiting Sweden next summer.
    (subject/They + are + not + present participle/visiting + future/next summer)

The question is formed question word + am/is/are + subject + present participle.

  • Why is Gary cleaning his car?
    (question word/Why + is + subject/Gary + present participle/cleaning)
  • What are they thinking about?
    (question word/What + are + subject/they + present participle/thinking)
  • Why are they visiting Sweden next summer?
    (question word/Why + are + subject/they + present participle/visiting + future/next summer)

For yes/no questions it is formed am/is/are + subject + present participle.

  • Is Gary cleaning his car?
    (Is + subject/Gary + present participle/cleaning)
  • Are we thinking about our holiday?
    (Are + subject/we + present participle/thinking)
  • Are they visiting Sweden next summer?
    (Are + subject/they + present participle/visiting + future/next summer)

Common mistakes with tenses.