Home/Common Mistakes/Writing/All Other Punctuation/How to use full stops with quotation marks
Home/Common Mistakes/Writing/All Other Punctuation/How to use full stops with quotation marks

How to use full stops with quotation marks

If the quotation ends with a full stop, then the full stop goes inside the quotation marks.

  • He said, ‘I love you.’
    (I love you is the complete quotation, so the full stop is part of the quotation.)

If the quotation doesn’t end with a full stop, then the full stop goes outside the quotation marks.

  • He described the woman as ‘stunning’.
    (Stunning isn’t the complete quotation, so the full stop isn’t part of the quotation.)

It is the same with question marks (?) and exclamation marks (!).

  • He said, ‘How can I love you?’
    (The question mark is part of the quotation.)
  • Did he describe the woman as ‘stunning’?
    (The question mark isn’t part of the quotation.)
  • He shouted, ‘Don’t jump!’
  • I can’t believe he said she was ‘stunning’!