Me or I?

If you are not sure whether to use me or I then try this simple test.

  • Arthur and me got home at 5.
    Arthur and I got home at 5.

Re-write your sentence leaving me or I in but take out the other person.


  • Me got home at 5.
    (sounds wrong)
    I got home at 5.
    (sounds good)
  • They are going to send my wife and I a package.
    (original sentence)
    They are going to send I a package.
    (sounds wrong)
    They are going to send me a package.
    (sounds good)
    They are going to send my wife and me a package.
    (the final sentence)
  • Jim and me are going to the beach.
    Me am going to the beach.
    Jim and I are going to the beach.