Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Modals/Difference between used to and would for past habits
Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Modals/Difference between used to and would for past habits

Difference between used to and would for past habits

Used to talks about past habits and states which don’t exist anymore. It can talk about both action verbs and stative verbs.

  • When he was a boy, my father used to work after school.
    (used to – habit/action verb/work)
  • I didn’t use to like chicken.
    (used to – habit/state verb/like)

Don’t confuse used to and get used to.

Would talks about repeated past actions but not states. It can only talk about with action verbs.

  • We would always like the seaside for our holidays.
    (would – stative verb/like)
  • We would always go to the seaside for our holidays.
    (would – action verb/go)
  • My dad would read me amazing stories every night at bedtime.
    (would – action verb/read)

In negative sentences about repeated past actions you cannot use would because it changes the meaning of the sentence. Use to is needed.

  • I wouldn’t play with my dolls.
    (change in meaning – I refused to play with my dolls.)
  • I didn’t use to play with my dolls.
    (means – I didn’t play)