Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Verbs/After stative verbs we use adjectives not adverbs
Home/Common Mistakes/Grammar/Verbs/After stative verbs we use adjectives not adverbs

After stative verbs we use adjectives not adverbs

After stative verbs we use adjectives not adverbs. The adjective doesn’t describe the verb, it describes the subject.

  • People buy silk because it feels smoothly.
    People buy silk because it feels smooth.
    (subject/silk (it) – stative verb/feel – adjective/smooth)
  • If you don’t sleep well, you will look tiredly.
    If you don’t sleep well, you will look tired.
    (subject/you – stative verb/look – adjective/tired)
  • The bread smells good.
    (subject/bread – stative verb/smell – adjective good)