Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tense is used for a completed action in the past that was completed before another completed action in the past.

  • I had left the park before noon.
    (in the past/second action/noon – in the past/first action/left the park)
  • He had gone home before I came.
    (in the past/second action/I came – in the past/first action/gone home)

The past perfect is formed using had + past participle.

  • He had travelled around Asia before the end of 2022.
    (had + travelled)

The negative is formed using had + not + past participle.

  • The price had not risen before he bought his ticket.
    (had + not + past participle/risen)

The question is formed using question word + had + subject + past participle.

  • What had you done to protect your house before the burglar broke into the house?
    (question word/what + had + subject/you + past participle/done)

For yes/no questions it is formed using had + subject + past participle.

  • Had he completed the assignment by last week?
    (had + subject/he + past participle/completed)

Common mistakes with tenses.