Etiquette 1 · video lesson

This first etiquette vocabulary lesson will help you understand the words etiquette, formal, polite, behaviour, manners, offend, rude, tact, faux pas and uncouth correctly.

(–) etiquette  uncountable noun  a set of rules of polite behaviour in different situations

  • The waiter’s understanding of etiquette seemed to be very different from their own.


formal  adjective  an official or serious situation or occasion

  • Mr. Bond was dressed for a formal evening.


polite  adjective  behaving towards other people in a good way that follows all the usual rules of society

  • Ronny was always polite to Mrs. Jones, but he didn’t like her.


(–) behaviour  uncountable noun  the way in which someone acts towards other people

  • Walking with a book on your head helps make your behaviour better.


(–) manners  plural noun  polite social behaviour and habits

  • Kissing a lady on the hand shows you have good manners.


offend  verb  to make someone unhappy and angry

  • Using your fingers to eat your food is likely to offend some people.


rude  adjective  not polite

  • Eating soup can sometimes make rude noises.


(–) tact  uncountable noun  a careful way of speaking or behaving so that you don’t upset other people

  • Melissa always showed great tact when gossiping.


(a) faux pas  noun  words or behaviour that are a social mistake

  • John’s faux pas shocked Marilyn.


uncouth  adjective  rude or offensive behaviour

  • Loud talking on a phone is uncouth.


Now watch the video lesson and then do the Etiquette 1 · exercise