Scott Waters visited England with his family and stayed for few weeks. After returning he made a Facebook post about things that he had observed during his stay. It obviously stuck a chord with a lot of people as it has 10s of thousands of shares and likes.
Here is the list (corrected) which he wrote on his wall:
- Almost everyone is very polite.
- The food is generally outstanding.
- There are no guns.
- There are too many narrow stairs.
- Everything is just a little bit different.
- The pubs close too early.
- Pubs are not bars, they are community living rooms.
- You’d better like peas, potatoes and sausage.
- Fridges and washing machines are very small.
- Everything is generally older, smaller and shorter.
- People don’t seem to be afraid of their neighbours or the government.
- Everyone has a washing machine, but driers are rare.
- Hot and cold water taps. Remember them?
- Pants are called trousers, underwear is pants and sweaters are jumpers.
- The bathroom light is a string hanging from the ceiling.
- Fanny is a naughty word, so is shag.
- All the signs are well designed with beautiful typography and written in full sentences with proper grammar.
- There’s no dress code.
- Doors close by themselves, but they don’t always open.
- They eat with their forks upside down.
- The English are as crazy about their gardens as Americans are about their cars.
- They don’t seem to use facecloths or napkins or maybe they’re just less messy than we are.
- The wall sockets all have switches, some don’t do anything.
- There are hardly any police or police cars.
- 5,000 year ago, someone arranged a lot of rocks all over the place, but no one is sure why.
- When you do see the police they seem to be in male & female pairs and often smiling.
- Black people are just people: they didn’t quite do slavery here.
- Everything comes with chips. You put vinegar on them.
- Cookies are biscuits and potato chips are crisps.
- HP sauce is better than ketchup.
- Obama is considered a hero, Bush is considered an idiot.
- After fish and chips, curry is the most popular food.
- The water controls in showers need detailed instructions.
- They will boil anything.
- People don’t always lock their bikes.
- It’s not unusual to see people dressed differently and speaking different languages.
- Your electronic devices will work fine with just a plug adapter.
- Nearly everyone is better educated then we are.
- If someone buys you a drink you must do the same.
- There are no guns.
- Look right, walk left. Again, look right, walk left. You’re welcome.
- It’s not that hard to eat with the fork in your left hand with a little practice. If you don’t, everyone knows you’re an American.
- Many of the roads are the size of our pavements.
- There’s no AC.
- Instead of turning the heat up, you put on a jumper.
- Gas is petrol, it costs about $6 a gallon and is sold by the litre.
- If you speed on a motorway, you get a ticket. Always.
- You don’t have to tip, really!
- Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall really are different countries.
- Only 14% of Americans have a passport, almost everyone in the UK does.
- You pay the price marked on products because the taxes (VAT) are built in.
- Walking is the national pastime.
- Their TV looks and sounds much better than ours.
- They took the street signs down during WWII but haven’t put them all back up yet.
- Everyone enjoys a good joke.
- There are no guns.
- Dogs are very well behaved and welcome everywhere.
- You can get on a bus and end up in Paris.
- Everyone knows more about our history then we do.
- Radio is still a big deal. The BBC is good.
- Everything costs the same, but our money is worth less. So, you have to add 50% to the price to figure what you’re paying.
- Beer comes in large, completely filled, actual pint glasses and the closer the brewery the better the beer.
- Butter and eggs aren’t refrigerated.
- The beer isn’t warm, each style is served at the proper temperature.
- Cider, which is alcoholic, is quite good.
- Excessive cider consumption can be very painful.
- The universal greeting is Cheers pronounced cheeahz. Unless you are from Cornwall, in which case it’s chairz.
- The money is easy to understand: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 pence. £1 and £2 coins. £5, £10, £20, and £50 notes. There are no quarters.
- Their cash makes ours look like Monopoly money.
- Cars don’t have bumper stickers.
- Some doorknobs, buildings and tools are older than America.
- By law, there are no crappy old cars.
- When the sign says something was built in 456, they didn’t lose the 1.
- Cake is pudding, ice cream is pudding, anything served for desert is pudding, even pudding.
- Very few people smoke, those who do often roll their own.
- You’re defined by your accent.
- No one in Cornwall knows what the hell a Cornish Game Hen is.
- Football is a religion, religion is a sport.
- Europeans dress better than the British, we dress worse.
- The trains work: a three-minute delay is regrettable.
- Drinks don’t come with ice.
- There are far fewer fat English people.
- There are a lot of healthy old folks around participating in life instead of hiding at home watching TV.
- If you’re over 60, you get free TV and free bus and rail passes.
- Displaying your political or religious affiliation is considered very bad taste.
- Every pub seems to have a pet drunk.
- Their healthcare works, but they still bitch about it.
- Cake is one of the major food groups.
- Their coffee is mediocre, but the tea is wonderful.
- There are still no guns.
- Towel warmers.