
Myths & More

Choose a story from Shortest Stories and read it carefully. Then reduce it to three sentences without leaving out any of the important details. Repeat for Slightly Longer Stories and Longest Stories. Stories in a Nutshell Shortest Stories The...

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Stories in a Nutshell

The Boatman A Sufi Story from The Middle East A scholar asked a boatman to row him across the river. The journey was long and slow. The scholar was bored. ‘Boatman,’ he called out, ‘Let’s have a conversation.’ Suggesting a...

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Stories in a Nutshell

Ten Jugs of Wine A Tale from Japan Ten old men decided to celebrate the New Year with a big crock of hot sake wine. Since none of them could provide for all, they each agreed to bring one jug of wine for the large heating bowl. On the way to his...

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Stories in a Nutshell

Cat Woman A Tale from Ancient Greece There was once a man who had a beautiful cat. She was so loving that one day he wished out loud, ‘Dear Cat, if you were only a woman, I’d marry you.’ Aphrodite, the goddess of love, heard his wish and...

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Stories in a Nutshell

The Honeybee’s Sting A Tale from Ancient Greece Zeus, the King of Mount. Olympus was giving out gifts to beasts and birds and insects one day. To his surprise, the little honeybee came before his throne and said, ‘Of all the gifts you could...

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Stories in a Nutshell

The Sack A Sufi Story from The Middle East Mula came upon a frowning man walking along the road to town. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked. The man held up a tattered bag and moaned, ‘All that I own in this wide world barely fills this...

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Stories in a Nutshell

New Shoes A Taoist Tale A man needed a new pair of shoes. Before he went to the marketplace, he drew a detailed picture of his feet on a piece of paper, carefully measured them, and wrote down all their dimensions. Then, he set off on foot for the...

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Stories in a Nutshell

Cooking by Candle A Sufi Story from The Middle East Mula bet some friends he could survive a night on an icy mountain with nothing to warm him. Taking only a book and a candle for some light, he sat through the frigid night. When he came down to...

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