Etiquette 2 · video lesson

This second etiquette vocabulary lesson will help you understand the words point, shake hands, greet, stare, yawn, slurp, burp and interrupt correctly.

point  verb  to show someone something by using your finger

  • You! Don’t you know it is rude to point?


shake hands  phrase  to hold someone’s hand and move it up and down to greet them

  • We agreed to shake hands, but only for a good photo.


greet  verb  to welcome someone with words or actions when you meet them

  • Please Mr. President! – I only want to greet you.


stare  verb  to look at someone or something very directly for a long time

  • Are you staring at me?


yawn  verb  to open your mouth wide and take a big breath, especially because you are tired or bored

  • I am not yawning because your presentation was boring. It is because I am tired, honest.


slurp  verb  to make loud sucking noises when you drink something

  • Don’t slurp when you are drinking your tea.


burp  noun  the noise you make when air from your stomach comes out of your mouth

  • I hope nobody heard that burp.


interrupt  verb  to stop someone speaking by something you say or do

  • Sorry, but I need to interrupt you Mr. Mandela.


Now watch the video lesson and then do the Etiquette 2 · exercise